Friday, October 19, 2012

Bredd & Butta Sketchbook

Tattoo artists work very hard on client art work; or at least they should. The only person I can truly speak for is myself, and as for myself I’ve always had the philosophy of, “I don’t put out anything I myself wouldn’t get tattooed.” That statement isn’t 100% because I wouldn’t get butterflies with frilly stuff around it. No matter how many times I draw that design I wouldn’t get that tattooed but you can’t win them all. Every time I sit down at the desk with my paper, pencils, and markers, a crack of the knuckles and neck, I do my best to do my best. I attempt to make every tattoo a “no fuck around situation”. Over the years artists end up with a large pile of rejected art work. Not because the art is poorly drawn but purely because either it’s not exactly what the client wanted or they’re afraid to step out of the box.

I run into the people that are afraid to step away from their Google printout a lot. I end up doing remix after remix of the same design over and over and what happens is I have stacks of art that lots of people want but sadly not in my town. I am face with lots of people in other countries, other states, other towns that don’t make the efforts to travel to me. Which is okay, but what do I do with all this artwork? I have thought of throwing it all in a binder and setting it out on the table along with all our portfolios and hopefully someone will snag something out of it. Did it work? No. Again, I’m constantly faced with people are afraid to step into the unknown and be original. What’s the next step I ask myself? Flash sheets! I started to compile a lot of the stuff into flash sheets but the more I worked on them I felt uninspired. After the last few months and people still wanting to hold onto my art I’ve decided to have a sketchbook. A large book of rejected sketches, and daily warm up sketches compiled for the tattooer for inspiration and reference.

I’m calling it Bredd & Butta. Hopefully my book can bring other artists inspiration and make some money where maybe I have failed. Some of the stuff has never been tattooed and some of it has. I will label them as such so hopefully no one copies any work I’ve already done. Only douchebags steal work that’s already been tattooed and I’m not even worried because thieves don’t have half the skill I do.

Artists out there, if you’re interested in my sketchbook I’ll have updates as to price and shipping as soon as I get close to locking in the design. Thank you so much for all the support!

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